—  About

Derek Steen is a visual artist and storyteller originally from Sydney's salty Northern Beaches.

I was on planes and traveling the world within my first few years of life on Earth. This instilled a wanderlust and keen eye for adventure. I remember my Dad — he was a TV camera operator and now produces global television programmes — always had a camera on-hand. Eventually, I also carried a camera through my everyday life. I now yearn to capture stories and share them in visual formats.

In 2010, I moved to the USA. From Huntsville, TX, to Buffalo, NY, to Bethlehem, PA, to Anchorage, Alaska, and many places in between. I've explored a lot. Ultimately, my favourite place is Milford Sound, New Zealand. I'm an avid cyclist, gardener, and cook. I'm also a big tech-enthusiast with a passion for information security.

What do I do? That's always tough to answer in a concise way. Simply, I love to share stories. More technically, I'm a photographer, a videographer, a post-production editor, a director, and audio technician... I explore, I push people to their best, I think outside of the echo chambers so many of us get stuck in... I want to learn your story.

As odd as it may sound, I want to know you. I'm not going to tell your story well by showing up to a location and capturing some shots, then leaving for lunch. I'm going to climb that tree. I'm going to have you hang out the sunroof of your car. We'll have your kids play dress-up. I'll direct your team to ride bikes around your office. It's going be fun. It's going to be unexpected. And I'm going to be wearing a tie.



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Booking + Press

—  Representation



Anchorage, Alaska
+1 559-744-3397


Suzie Steen Management
Sydney, Australia

General Inquiries

—  I’d love to hear from you, mate!